Actually, I am sure you've already met this division of SFI, but there's much about TripleClicks (TC) you need to know, which we'll discuss today.
For starters, you may not be aware that TC launched on January 5th, 2009. You may also not be aware that your SFI associateship automatically includes a TC membership!
And I am just getting started with the products and offerings. SFI launched TC with approximately 6,000 products, but that was just the beginning. It has now grown to 105,100 products from 123 countries worldwide and are adding hundreds of new products weekly. It also now has downloadable music, auctions, games, a member rewards points system, and there's much more still in development!
You'll also be interested to know that because of how we built TC, virtually any type of product or service can be added. The sky's the limit!
Tip: You may have to log in when you visit TC (use your SFI affiliate ID and password) so that all the special affiliate features we've built in to TC are displayed to you.
TC is a state-of-the-art Internet store site featuring numerous amenities including:
• Express Checkout
• WishLists
• Online order/shipment tracking
• An exclusive, money-saving daily deal ("Deal Of The Day")
• Advanced search features
• Special daily/weekly/monthly sales
• Popular penny auctions (Pricebenders™) with bids starting at only 1 cent.
• Standing Orders (your members can set up orders to have consumable products shipped to them monthly automatically, meaning monthly commissions for you)
• One-click sitewide currency conversions for 17 major world currencies.
• More than 50 payment options
• and much more!
With all these powerful features, TC provides SFI affiliates with a world-class instrument for generating Internet income.
Here's how to get started making sales:
#1 recommended method is to simply hand out TripleClicks Gift Cards as free samples to your friends, associates, co-workers, family, neighbors—anyone you know or meet who might want to check out your online store. Recipients can redeem each gift card for 6 TCredits, which they can apply toward purchasing products, bidding on auctions, posting their own items for sale, and more; PLUS 100 Member Rewards Points (MRP) they can use toward more purchases. No matter what your level of marketing experience, handing out free samples is a simple and proven way of attracting potential new members. We've even created a special Gift Card Guide to help you get started
If TC Gift Cards aren't the way you want to go, our other beginning marketing strategies and aids also offer effective methods to get the word out about your store. You'll focus on simply building a member list and not on promoting any individual products or groups of products; your potential members will discover for themselves the products they wish to purchase.
You'll also want to set up your TConnect page at What's your TConnect page? In short, it's a personalized, free Web page every TripleClicks Member and SFI Affiliate automatically receives upon signing up as a member or joining SFI. You can put your TConnect page to work for you in a variety of ways immediately after setting it up�listing products to sell, marketing your SFI business, accessing special ECA and member deals, and much more! Learn all about it in this training article.
Note: For a list of all our beginner, intermediate, and advanced marketing methods, go HERE. PLUS...if you want to learn how you can pick up an extra $300 or more a month selling TCredits, check out this page.
The TC Member Listings Program
Another component of TC you need to know about is the TC Member Listings Program, which allows you to sell your stuff right alongside TC's other products and services.
With the Member Listings Program you can quickly, easily, and cheaply convert stuff you no longer want...into stuff you do! List your stuff at TC, and sell for cash....or for any product in the store. You can even earn SFI Executive Affiliate (EA) status each month selling unwanted items around your house! Use TC as your online garage sale to clean out your closets, attics, and garages! List and sell dozens of miscellaneous items easily.
To get started, log in at TripleClicks (using your SFI ID and password) and click the Create a new member listing link in your TC Member Center.
The TC Free Listing Program
People are always looking for easy ways to put some money in their pocket. And people also usually have items they no longer need or want. Children outgrow perfectly good toys. Teenagers outgrow perfectly good clothes. Adults outgrow perfectly good golf clubs. :-) Indeed, millions of perfectly good products of all kinds are outgrown, abandoned, and retired every day!
These items almost always wind up in closets, attics, and garages, taking up valuable space while (usually) fading in value as they sit. But with the TC Member Listings Program, this "clutter" can be converted into cash–quickly...simply...easily.
And the timing couldn't be better. With the huge downturn in the global economy, especially in the United States, demand for this type of service is skyrocketing. Indeed, We've learned that pawn shops are doing record business right now. Now YOU can tap into this same vein and earn great commissions.
Here's how: SFI has created a special program that allows you to give away free sample listings at TC. And they have made it incredibly easy to participate. As I mentioned above, they have got TC Gift Cards that recipients can redeem for TCredits to use for listing their items. They also have X-Cards, E-Cards, Postcards, text ads, tabbed fliers, and over 40 awesome banners—all directly offering a free, complementary listing at TC!
All you have to do is get these cards, fliers, banners, etc. in front of people using the methods listed HERE.
Again, there's no need to learn details about any specific TC products. No need to sweat over which product or products to promote. They've made building a member list as easy as handing out Gift Cards or X-Cards, putting up fliers, or running free classified ads!
Once your prospect has redeemed their Gift Card or entered their free listing, you've just locked them in as one of your personally referred members. And once they see how easy it is to list and sell their unwanted items, well, guess what? They're going to want to buy Tcredits and list lots of other items they want to sell for cash or other products. And, of course, for every credit they buy, you earn Direct Commissions and VersaPoints!
In fact, you can earn executive affiliate (EA) status for yourself if your members buy just 15 single credits... or seven 10-packs of credits...or just one 200-pack of credits.
But that's not all. Many of your members may become frequent shoppers and buyers at TC. And when they buy products, you'll also earn VersaPoints and Direct Commissions. NOTE: Be sure to check out the information in the SFI Affiliates tab within each product's TripleClicks description page. Be sure you're signed into the store, then click the SFI Affiliates tab to view each item's VersaPoints value, commission amounts for the sale of that item, a direct gateway URL you can use to direct customers to that product, affiliate tips, and more!
You can order your TC Gift Cards and/or your Free Listing X-Cards, postcards, etc. from the TripleClicks SFI department (be sure you're logged in to TripleClicks to view this department). Or, you can get hooked up with other great promotional methods and marketing aids HERE.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In conjunction with the Free Listing Program, SFI is making FREE credits available to you to give away to your prospects. You heard right: They'll even provide the credits for FREE that you can give away to attract members! However, please make sure you read RULES FOR PARTICIPATION.
You may also like to read the TC FAQs which covers many other details and aspects of TripleClicks.
One last thing: ECA Program allows commercial sellers and companies of all kinds, from around the world, to market their products and services side-by-side with SFI own products and services at And they have made it very easy for companies to plug in their products and services. Indeed, the ECA theme is "Plug into a world of new customers!" There's no cost for ECAs to list their products and services and they can immediately begin taking advantage of the exposure and growing worldwide traffic of It's a "slam dunk" for them, a total win/win.
Add up all the above and you can see why TC represents one of the biggest opportunities ever made available for e-commerce profits!
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